We would like to thank and acknowledge the following companies and organisations that support us by either donating equipment or services.
TextLocal - provides us with an SMS text service allowing patients at the hospital to message us using a short code. TextLocal have been supporting us for many years Visit: www.textlocal.com

TeamViewer - supplies us with Remote Access software to enable us to connect to our computer systems at anytime from anywhere. Visit: www.teamviewer.com
Delarte - supplies us with remote broadcasting software. This allows guests from anywhere in the world to be interviewed on our hospital radio station. The software is called Luci Live. Visit: www.luci.eu/luci-live

QDOS Event Hire - has supplied us with a temporary cabin while refurbishment works have been going on in our building. Visit: www.qdoseventhire.co.uk

ITN - has been a supporter of us for many years. ITN donates equipment to us that it no longer needs, but can help us keep broadcasting. We are very grateful for their continued support. Visit: www.itn.co.uk