Catherine Smith
My career as a Primary School teacher with responsibility for music from my second year has been very rewarding. I took very early retirement, the best move I ever made! I am well-travelled and have been to most countries, too numerous to mention making use of my French, Spanish and Italian I learnt at Wycombe High School.
I love to play the piano (I was assistant organist at the local chapel) and achieved 8th Grade. My sister and I played piano duets and at seventeen we won a competition in Slough judged by Joseph Cooper from the BBC2 Face The Music programme.
I have ridden horses since five and even met Princess Anne who then was patron of the Riding for the disabled at Radnage House Riding School. I now have two horses and two Llamas. My sister and I were some of the first people to keep Llamas 25 years ago. I now have two young Llamas.
I met Ralph Chadwick, my near neighbor nearly three years ago. I have enjoyed compiling and presenting with him our two programmes on Sunday - Classics Familiar and Sounds Familiar (Big Band). Before I met him I had never heard of Big Band! I am now a big fan of that music era.